I remember when I was in NYC a couple of years ago, we needed to exchange some greyhound tickets to ones with a more suitable time as our plans had changed. Not being familiar with how things work in the US we were worried we may be stuck with some tickets that didn’t suit our revised schedule.
We hoped that it would not be too difficult to have them exchanged and decided to try our luck at the ticket office. We approached the lady at the ticket booth, a middle-aged black woman who looked very youthful and content in what I thought an unusual setting for someone to look content. Her impressively polished nails caught my attention as my friend approached her and asked if it was possible to change the times on our tickets. The lady looked up with a look that conveyed a sense of contempt and compassion at the same time before she spoke. ‘Honey, nothing is impossible!’ she announced in an assertive but reassuring tone. I immediately felt a smile dawn on my previously concerned face, not sure if it was due to the fact we could change the time on our tickets or because of this lady’s contagious optimism.
Continue reading The Artist’s Way Chapter 5: Recovering a sense of possibility